Eight online trainings have been developed with the support of the European Union

To ensure greater availability of training programs, NAPA has previously worked on the development of online training for civil servants and employees in local self-government units. With the support of the project "Support to the National Academy for Public Administration in Professional Development of Public Administration" funded by the European Union, the following online trainings have been developed:

  • ABC of the European Union,
  • Stabilisation and Association Agreement,
  • An introduction to the EU cohesion policy,
  • Public policy,
  • Constitutional regulation,
  • Legislative process - basic training,
  • Towards more efficient administration and better public services with the national infrastructure of geospatial data,
  • Few steps to improved physical health at work.

    All these trainings were developed in cooperation with accredited lecturers hired by NAPA, while the project support was reflected in the development of scripts, video recording, integration of video production of oral lectures (video material) and post-production (additional animations, subtitling and general post-production).

    Online trainings are available to all civil servants and employees in local self-government units on the NAPA e-learning platform (https://www.napa.gov.rs/tekst/45/onlajn-obuke.php) and prior registration through the same system is required for access.

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09